Fleas are tiny, wingless insects. The adults have powerful legs with which they can jump extraordinary distances, considering their tiny size. There are many varieties of fleas, with most being named after their preferred host. Most fleas will readily feed on any warm-blooded animal that they happen to come across, including humans. All adult fleas are paradises. They survive by piercing the skin of their hose and drawing blood through specially adapted mouthparts. Fleas usually lay their eggs in the fur or hair of a host animal. The eggs are not attached to the animal so they can shake off quite easily, thus dispersing the eggs over a wide area as the infested animal travels about.
Since Fleas are so small, many people don't actually notice the insects themselves. Some signs that you may have a flea problem include persistent scratching by household pets, or the appearance of flea bites on family members. Flea bites usually appear as tiny dark red spots. Most commonly these will appear on the feet or legs of adults, but they may appear anywhere on the body, particularly on children.
The most effective control of Fleas requires a coordinated effort between Alpha Omega, you, and your pet's veterinarian.